Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Ok, corey, POP QUIZ" -Jesus

Ever had a pop quiz from God? I had one Saturday night.
Jose and i were at the church in Pesillo, getting ready to spend the night and have church the folowing morning. We needed to go to a neighbor's house but, even though i´d managed not to wreck the car this week, i did lock the keys in it. I started to call AAA but 1) They aren´t in Ecuador and 2) i'm not a member. I´d seen coat hangers used in the movies so i began describing a coathanger to Jose with hand motions since i lacked the Spanish word. We came up with one and jimmied the window space for about 15 min.
Jose is a wonderful man. He says "Glory to God!" about 4 times an hour for ever situation, good or bad. He spits in his hands to wash them. He has a heart for Jesus as hot as i've seen yet in Ecuador.
He suggested praying. So i began praying with faith that God would open the lock. I have often thought of myself as a person who is able to seperate scientific explicable situations from the reality of God´s unexplicable works and power. But, is faith knowing that God can do miracles, or is faith knowing that He´s going to do it, period. The latter is much harder, in my case. Sure, i knew without a shaddow of a doubt that God could unlock the door with or without our seemingly endless failures with the coathanger. I told Him that i knew He could do it. He replied, "But do you know that I will do it?" This was the pop quiz. I confessed that i did not, but i asked Him to give me this kind of faith, something i have very rarely experienced. He gave it to me. Jose continued with the coathanger a few more minutes and it popped open! We danced hugging one another in the field for a few moments. What joy!
We had a very fruitful conversation with the man and i believe he accepted the Lord. We´ll be following up with him next week.


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