Monday, August 21, 2006

pure and undefiled religion

2006-08-22 1:29:17 am
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep ones self unstained by the world." James 1:27
I am slowly, gently walking down an old dirt road. The palms and the pines are softly swaying in the breeze. The sun is bright , and high above the breath taking mountain tops. I am surrounded by young abandoned children, and in each of my hands... a precious child clasps on to be loved, to be cared for. I look to my left as the child glances at me with those big brown eyes. His heart searching for his mother, someone to love him and show him compassion. His mind wondering if anyone loves him, or if he's even wanted. Pondering why he was left behind. His body bruised and blistered, covered in dirt... his face, his hands. With snot running down his nose he looks straight into your eyes, and lifts his hands as high as he can like he is trying to grasp the entire universe in his arms. With a broken heart, and a tear in your eye, you think of Christ walking through the streets, see what you see. Visiting orphans and widows... and this sense of satisfaction overwhelms you. Knowing that your doing the work of your Savior. Peace and joy inexpressible overwhelm you. God is surely in this place.
The little boys name is Serio. I wish i could hold him in my arms all day. I wish i could kiss his little face and tell him everything is going to be ok. I love to hold him in my arms and pray over him, pray for his future and for his spiritual life. He's only two years old, but if i can do anything for this child, i can get on my knees to the Lord in prayer. 1 John 5:14-15
Everything is going well here at the orphanage. Tonight I had dinner with Mandy and Amber which was a huge blessing. Then after leaving them my roommates and I went up to Yon and Yen's house (two danish volunteers ...married) for some good fellowship. But.. on the way i saw three wild horses, that came down from the mountain. And of course... i either wanted to pet it, or ride it... so in order to do that i had to catch it. Well, it was interesting. First i tried the Daniel Ritchie approach of gently coaxing it in, but that didnt work. And when it started to walk away I tried to sneak up on it, but it started trotting away, and so i ran after it, and well... that was embarrasing. I almost fell down the mountain lol. Horses are really fast. :) It is one of my goals to catch a horse while i am here. Atleast to pet one that is wild.
My knee is much much better. I can walk perfectly on it, but when i run it puts way to much pressure and weight on it. It only hurts badly when something bumps it or if a kid sits on it. (obviously from experience)
This afternoon, Tammy, Meriam and I took two of the kids to town so that they could by something with the money there sponsors gave them and after much shopping one of the girls had spent all her money and when we went to the grocery store for some food, Tammy looked at me and said, "I think she has something under her shirt", In disbelief i went over to her pulled up her shirt and snatched out a bag of juice mix she was trying to steal. I was hacked! I apologized to the lady at the counter and put the juice back. But you know what, the most frustrating thing was that i couldnt communicate with her why that was wrong, i couldnt explain that all she had to do was ask. These kids have no concept of money or the way things work in the "real" world. I wish i could explain it to them. Someday... hopefully soon.
Tommorrow at 10:30 i have my meeting with Katcha, so Tammy, Meriam and I will finally know what we are officially doing. Tammy and myself are doing medicines, so please pray that God would guide us in the distribution of medicines and that these kids would get healthier. Oh gosh, There is a boy here named Watson, that got his toe mauled by a tractor. Amber said it looked like his toe was pealed like an apple. So, he went to the doctor and got some stitches, but it doesnt look good. His toe seems to be swelling and ripping the stitches out. I clean that thing twice a day and Im not sure if the peroxide is eating away at the stitches or what... Anyone a doctor?
Please continue to pray for the spiritual battle that goes on for these kids souls, for their health and education. Please pray for guidance of the leaders here at emmanuel and a refocus. Please pray that my spanish would improve so that i can share the gospel affectivly with these kids.
dependent on your faithful prayers,


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