Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Last Two Weeks in a Nutshell, Biggie Sized

It’s been a while since i posted. There is so much to cover. I’ll just give you the highlights.

s pix 264.jpgWorking at SWO for their last two weeks of summer was such a blessing. God used me to lead Daniel Page, a Renegade Wrestler, to the Lord. He came to me and said he wanted to get saved. I asked him why. He said he needed Jesus to go to Heaven. He said there is no other way. How great an opportunity and privilege! We had 24 wrestlers come, i think. They are such a great group to work with. I was honored to baptize 6 of them in the creek at the end of camp. It was my first time obeying the Lord in that part of the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19. By the way, i believe the Great Commission is given to all Christians, not just a few, including the baptism part, whether going or sending, doing or supporting.

I worked with Steve and Paula King, my bosses for the IMB while i’ll be in Ecuador, during Collegiate Week at Ridgecrest. It lasted about 4 days and we were recruiting for the Xtreme Team and REAP, another IMB mission in Peru. It was weird being around so many students who weren’t missions minded, so to speak –a little frustrating at times.

Back in Winston-Salem with the family, i was able to redo, which you’ve hopefully taken the time to explore. If you haven’t yet, i invite you to go on a virtual prayer walk through the site. Pray for the missionaries represented there, please.

P8130063.JPGLast Saturday, we Pendergrass’ traveled to Hatteras for our last family vacation before i leave. We rented a house on the sound side of the island, a couple hundred yards from the sound. I love the Outer Banks. Where else in the US can you go and watch the sun set on one side of your porch into the seemingly endless water, and a few hours later watch it rise again on the other side of the porch from the Atlantic Ocean? Last night’s sunset was gorgeous! Thank ya, Jesus!

That's Lena --> I got a waterproof camera. Be jealous.

P1010032.JPGOn the way down, at Oregon Inlet, I ran out of gas. I stopped a few feet shy of the bridge (good thing i didn’t make it half-way across the mile+ long bridge and then stop and block traffic) on the side of the road. No worries; it was right in front of the marina where they had some gas pumps. So Lena and i crossed the front yard, Cephas and Esther, our boxers, tagging along, which we quickly discovered was a cactus field. Everyone got stuck. These weren’t the big easy-to-avoid cacti, no. These were the ankle deep ones that break off and attach themselves two your clothes and shoes and flesh. We had an interesting time pulling the barbs out of the dogs’ feet and then our own. Enjoy this photo of my leg!

P8150124.JPGToday we went deep sea fishing on an offshore charter. How wonderful. I've been before and absolutely love it. I imagine this will be the last time i get to make a trip for many years. I'm still kind of under the umbrella of Butch's wallet and the charter trip is $200/head. When i get back from Peru, i doubt i'll be under that umbrella and won't have a lot of dough to spend on things like this. Nevertheless, what a day! So many fish. I think we caught a total of 285 lbs. between 5 people. I caught a monster wahoo. It will be good eating, let me tell ya.

Speaking of Peru, and my mission trip, i got a call from my doctor's office today! Finally, the call i've been waiting for since week 2 of FPO, 9 weeks ago, when i tore my knee. When is my surgery? Not next week, as i was hoping. No. The 13th of September. 2 days shy of a month, 13 weeks after the accident. Set back. That's the only time i could get in and i had to switch doctors to get that! Plus, it'll be another month or so of recouperation after that before i can leave. Please earnestly pray that one of my doctors' schedules would miraculously clear up. Pray someone would cancel their surgery so i could bump up. I want to get to Ecuador so i can start finding communities that have little or no Gospel presence.


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