Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Got a Fever. And the Only Prescription Is South America.

Dear Faithful Prayer Partners,
For you left brain folks, here's the rundown:
  1. Saw my doc about the knee today. I switched doctors again, and the surgery is moved up from September 13th to the 8th! (PTL) Looks like i'm going with the cadaver's ACL graft.
  2. I'm going to SWO this weekend to help out to help out with the kids and watch UFC 62 on Pay-Per-View. Pray for the kids.
  3. We'll have commissioning service at Mt. Vernon Church, my home church, in Boone, NC on September 10th. Yes, i plan on being ready by then.
  4. Cornerstone Christian Church, my folks' church, is commissioning me as well on September 24th.
  5. The going away party (of which yall are invited to) is also September 24th starting 5:30ish, at Tanglewood Park, shelter #3, in Clemmons, NC. Please come prepared to join us in the Lord's Supper. If possible, bring your addition to the pot-luck feast. If not, no worries. Come anyway. RSVP if you can, but it's not necessary. Tell the guard you're with us and they'll let you in free. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible)
  6. The doc says i should wait about 10-12 weeks after surgery before i can go to Ecuador, and that will put me leaving at the first of December. Based on what my old doctors said, i was shooting for about 6 weeks. He said that my graft would be at it's weekest at 6 weeks. He also thought it'd be better to wait in Winston-Salem where he could keep an eye on it, as if the doctors in Quito weren't as good. I happen to find that unacceptable. He said that it would be my choice when i leave the country, but he recomends waiting. I still hope to leave by late October/early November. We'll just have to continue to play it by ear. (For my bosses, if you'd like to talk with me more about this, i'll have my cell on me the rest of the day: 336.972.1784)
  • It's evident that Satan and his demons are not going to take this lying down. He's had control over these families in Ecuador and Peru for thousands of years now, ever since their ancestors left the line of the patriarchs in Genesis. He's not ready to give them up. I've already been under attack, not just with circumstances as persistant as waves in the ocean that are hindering my going, but also by demonic encounters (If you want to know, ask and i'll tell you the story.). I understand these usually increase in frequency and severity once a missionary is overseas. Please pray about that.
  • Please pray for Dr. Jennings, my new knee doctor, to fix it exactly how God wants him too and understand why i need to leave when i do.
  • I'll be needing to acquire a plane ticket soon. That's always fun. By "fun" i mean aggravating and expensive.
  • Praise Him for the surgery date change. I know it's not next week, but every second counts when people are dying without hearing the Gospel over there.
  • Ask Him for the souls of those in South America. Pray this clay vessel would hold together long enough for them hear the Gospel from these lips.
Thank yall so much for the prayers!
Love yall,
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass


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