Thursday, August 17, 2006


2006-08-17 8:09:02 pm
Everything is going well here. I have been assigned until i have my main meeting with the volunteer coordinater on Sunday, to working in the Clinic. So far here has been my day:
at 5:45 i pass out medications to the boys during circle time (devotional time). Then from 8-12 i play-watch the toddlers, who are amazing!!! I am falling in love! Mom i have three you can adopt :) (Serio, Daniella y Diego) Oh my gosh they make my heart melt. Any how after that i go to help serve the kids lunch (and i take back the previous statement about small portions...these kids eat a ton!!! a lot of rice, corn, chicken , cereal and moonpies...yes moon pies!) Then i have about an hour to do my homework...I am taking two classes on the internet while i am here... Please pray for time managment. Then at four i pass out medicine to the boys again as they eat supper. Then until five I am in the clinic healing their precious wounds. You wouldnt believe the things i have seen in the two days i have been here. Let me make a list for you. Tons and tons of Fungus (in ALL areas of the body), torsolos (worm) its exteremly pain ful and it causes a sist of pus and continues to grow until you squeeze it out. Apparently a painful process (i was called a bruja ( when i touched one. There has been ring worm, sty´s pink eye, severe blisters on the feet, many of the kids here are epileptic , and have asma. There were two bad allergic reactions to bee´s but we only have one ...ONE eppi pen (sp?) so we have just been giving out anti inflamatories and pain medicine. I am absolutely loving it here. Please please pray for my spanish. It is gradually getting better as I am learning a lot. I try not to use english at all unless i am completely lost. I have been doing well with it until they ask me an off the wall question, then there is herman... a 4 foot 14 year old boy who knows about as much, probubly more english as i know Spanish and he has helped me a lot.
God continues to comfort me when i am confused, or discouraged. I have found several of the girls to be quite mean , which confuses me because they are the older girls who started going to the Bible study (hopefully they will let God change them...please pray for salvations) But by the grace of God i do not work with them much. Im mostly with the boys and the young children. Im sure that will change sunday when Katcha gets back though.
Today after i left the farm (we took the toddlers there) i was holding Serio and Daniellas hands walking down the dirt road, and as we walked i glanced out at the horizon seeing the beautiful mountains, feeling the cool breeze and witnessing what God is doing through His people here. Realizing what I am here for ... these precious orphans. To show them the love, mercy and justice of Christ. Im at such a humbling place here. Knowing that i cannot do anything for these kids without the help of my Lord, Jesus Christ. Im in awe.
I also realized the womans role here. After getting done with snowbird for the summer, i was ready to come here and cut down tree´s, mow something, tear soemthing down , build something, but no. That is defiantely not omething i will be able to do That is the mens jobs. God is showing me so much about my character as a woman. The compassion and mercy he has given me to bestow to these children. The abundance of love God has given me is now focused on these children and i cant help but smile. Please pray for these children, for their health and more importantly that they would see Christ in the way this ministry is run. That Christ would call them to himself into salvation and that they would stand firm and be a pillar in the faith. I miss you all. mama... kisses, daddy...huge hugs I love you two more than you could ever imagine!


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