Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh the Adventure God brings!!!!

My goodness. I have never had such a fun and interesting dia in my life. Monday night I had a massive over night layover in Atlanta, so Anne Tully, Michelle Wilkins, Allison Walters and I hung out and had a blast. We stayed at a hotel and at 3am and i was off for the aero port. Well mi flight to Tegus was amazing! God always seems to put people in mi life to guide me. I happened to be seated next to a man named Jeffrey, who was visiting Honduras to see if his family should join in a mission an hour outside of Tegus. He showed me what i needed to do at immigration and customs and talked about what God is doing in our lives. I was amazed at how simple immigration and customs were. Well any how Mandy Perkins hurt her ankle, so Amber came and picked mi up at the air port. She is such a Godly woman, and so much fun to work with. Well any how we to the taxi to the bus station and as we waited in line i felt something brush up against my back side, so i turned around and this guy was walking by , so initially i thought it was an accident and turned back around. About 30 second later i feel it AGAIN only it was more evident this time. I gave him the meanest look I have ever given. I was mad, to say the least. Well i thought he had left so i turned around and about two minutes later he came back and practically molested my back side. My blood was boiling. If you know me, you know that it takes and awful lot to make me angry or upset, but i was absolutely livid. My first reaction was to raise my fist at him (i know turn the other cheek), but amber stopped me promptly and pointed out that we were the only two white people amongst 100 Hondurans in the worst part of Tegus. So i simply leaned up against the bus while he tried to persuade me that i enjoyed his touvh and that i should go with him. I was furious. But i learned ignoring people while they’re talking seems to make them go away. Well we finally get on the bus and about 30 minutes down the road our bus brakes down because barbed wire got caught in the rear axle, around the tires and in the engine. So as Amber and I contemplated hitch hiking a man that knew amber from a random incident at Emmanuel told us to come with him. He flagged over a tractor trailer and we hopped in after much contemplation about leaving my luggage on their part i said no and we got in. On the way we picked up another hitch hiker and continued on to Juan Carlos’ house (Ambers acquaintance). He was amazing. He didn’t speak any but four words of English..."nice to meet you", but i could understand most of what he said. He was so awesome he bought us some refrescos and took us to meet his mother and his sister and the rest of his family. Then he gave us a tour of the Mennonite colonies in Guimaca. It was so beautiful. I am in awe of the beauty of God’s creation! We got to the orphanage around 6pm (And that is really late for here) in which time i went to Mandy´s bible study for the girls. Some girls were shy and some had attitudes, but over all it was a good first meeting. That night i went to mi nueva casa and met Linda, Yon, Yen and Tammy. They’re amazing! Tammy and I will be here the sam amount of time. I have been assigned to do the boys medicine and play with the toddlers in the morning. I found out that since we have four people on toddlers i can take them on adventure on the property!!! I am so excited. The younger kids are so welcoming! Every time i walk passed the girls yard today the always say "Raquel vas y baila... we love you." Racheal, come and dance, because when i first met them this morning i started dancing with them and swinging them around. I am so excited to experience what God has in store to use me for here at Emmanuel. Last night and throughout today the power keeps going out. Last night there were 16 gun shots before 8:30pm. Insane. And the power was out... so i was walking around in mi new home trying to find my handy dandy flash light my daddy bought me. Dad it has been a huge blessing so far. It has this radio transmitter on it so we we´re listening to Spanish music in the dark and eating our flautas with avocados. I slept really well. I am still waiting to get nervous. I thought i would be nervous or anxious, but i feel some content and at peace. "Be anxious about nothing..." I’m really trying to learn more Spanish and as i am here i realized i don’t know or understand as much as i thought. Please, Please pray for my knowledge to grow. I miss you all please be praying for me.
Raquel :)


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