Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ay mi madre!

2006-08-10 8:44:05 pm
As I prepare for Honduras I have found myself sitting in either a hospital or a doctor’s office for the past three days trying to figure out what happened to my knee when I wrestled the "staff calf". After many hours and many headaches the doctors found the problem with my knee is... (Drum roll please) ...well they just don’t know, and I have to come back in next week for an MRI. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of time so, I will find out in December when I come back to the states. Please pray for quick healing. I cannot believe it is already here. I leave this Monday, August 14th, for Guimaca Honduras. After leaving snowbird (, God has continuously been refining me. I went from an amazing Godly community into a place that only discourages, mocks and condemns. I know that I am being molded into His image realizing that this world is not my home. 1 John 3:18 continuously is being brought to my mind. "...Let us not love with word or tongue, but in action and truth." The most effective way to share the love of God is by our actions towards one another. I spoke to an atheist this past week who stated, "I would never convert to Christianity because people say they believe in God and live as hypocrites." It is so important for us to live out what we believe, and pray for each other in our obedience and walks with Christ (Ephesians 6:18). To be stead fast and persevere under trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces perseverance (Romans 5:3). Please pray for my family and for the people and children at Orphanage Emmanuel, that I would be able to communicate affectively and share the love of Christ in action and truth. Phileo.

Serving Him,


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