"Listen! My beloved! Behold, he is coming, climbing on the mountains. leaping on the hills! My beloved is like a gazelle or young stag. Behold he is standing behind our wall, He is looking through the windows, He is peering through the lattice. My beloved responded and said to me, Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along. For Behold the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land; the time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the turtledove has been heard in our land. Thefig tree has ripened its figs, And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one and come along!"
-Song of Solomon 2:8-13
The sweet words of the bridegroom calling his beloved. Telling her it is time to go along and join him. "...I adjure you...that you do not arouse or awaken my love until she pleases." (vs.7) Previously the bride is "sleeping" the state of laying all her desires for her husband down and waiting for the moment when "she" (love) pleases to awake. Then it seems in this grand excitment she's ready. The bridegroom has come. "Listen! My beloved!" It seems to be shouted with this fantastic excitment! "Behold, he is coming, he is climbing over the mountains and leaping over the hills!" The bridegroom is estatic! The time has come to retrieve his bride. Verse 9 explains this idea that the bridegroom is watching and waiting. Admiring his beloved with patience until it is time to awaken his love. These next words run through my mind with joy and excitment... "My beloved responded and said to me, Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along." Come along! I get so excited over the idea that the bridegroom will one day after his journey is complete, after he has crossed the mountains" will come alongside of me and ask me to "Arise, ... and come along." But how amazing is the fact that my bridegroom has already come. He has called me into a deep, intimate, love realtionship with Him. He has called me to leave my old life behind breaking the emotional bonds i have made to my idols. We have become one flesh and he has asked me to arise, ...and come along. "He has brought me into his banquet hall, and his banner over me is love." (vs 4) "I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valleys." (2:1) My bridegroom says to me, "Like a lily among the thorns, so is my darling among the maidens." (2:2) "My beloved is mine, and I am his..." (2:26) Yet even though we're given this beautiful picture of the call of the bride to her bridegroom, we always seem to doubt, for thousands of years we have doubted. This was and forever continues to be the "Brides Troubled Dream". Song of Solomon 3:1-5 "On my bed night after night I sought him whom my soul loves; i sought him but did not find him. I must arise now and go about the city; In the streets and in the squares i must seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him but did not find him. The watchmen who make the rounds in the city found me, And I said, Have you seen him whom my soul loves? Scarcely had i left them when i found him whom my soul loves; i held on to him and would not let him go until i had brought him to my mothers house, And into the room of her who concieved me... I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, That you will not arouse or awaken my love until she pleases." (adjure= to charge solemnly) The bride has nightmares of being impatient and disobedient. Seeking after the "one whom her soul loves". "On her bed night after night, she sought him but could not find him". Why do we allow this battle of our flesh over come us through the genertions? We are solemnly charged not to arouse or awaken love until she pleases. So what happens next? We lay our doubts and dreams aside. We lie down and sleep, knowing that God will give us what glorifies Him the most in our lives. Whether it be marriage or singleness. We sleep in such a way that when the time has come, when "the winter has passed, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land, The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. The fig tree has ripened its figs, And the vines in blosom have given forth their fragrance." Our bridegroom will say, "Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!"
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Posts by : Admin
Mama's Little Baby Loves Shortening Bread
Ma-maw's mashed potatoes: (essentials for the skimmers)
Jesus. He's essential.
Doing research in Machachi
Teaching a Overview of the Bible class to the people in Pesillo. The purpose of the class is to equip the people with an understanding of how to study the Bible on their own.
There may be some new blog entries that interest you. Print them out and read them when you have the chance. (We, the Sluts of God; Mimicing Jesus in the Pursuit of Marriage; The Real Christmas Story)
The home-made gravy: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Amigos and amigas,
It was a very different Christmas. Saturday and Sunday (Christmas Eve) were spent, as usual, in Pesillo. A group from a church in Quito helped us Saturday, distributing gifts from clothing thrift stores and baggies of candy and animal crackers to the people of Pesillo. We had a grand celebration at the church and another in the square at Pesillo. I addressed the people both times, talking a few minutes on the meaning of Christmas. After our clowns entertained the children, we handed out the goods. People were pushing me and each other, trying to be the next to receive the precious gifts. I remembered how on the way to the town from Quito, the 2-hour drive included hundreds of groups of children about every hundred yards with their hands folded out to you in prayer-fashion equipped with puppy-dog faces, begging for people to stop and give them Christmas presents since they would surely receive none from their parent(s), who don't have the money to pretend to be Santa. Back in Pesillo, we fought the mob of outstretched hands, trying to be as fair as we could, making feeble attempts to make sure everyone got something. Everyone was shouting, "¡Para mi! ¡Para mi!," "For me! For me!," demanding more gifts and putting on their poor-me-puppy-dog faces as well. It was exhausting. At least they heard the Gospel, which was our goal. One man accepted Christ!
Thankfully i was able to call Papa Jack and Granny Carol's Saturday night and got to talk to them, my folks, my uncles, my aunts, and my\ncousins! What a blessing! Regretfully, all phone stores were closed on Christmas Eve, preventing me from calling Alvin and Grams, my grandparents on Mom's side, for that family gathering. Christmas Day, i called Satch and Granny, on my dad's side.
Sunday morning, i addressed the church in Pesillo describing the mob that had happened the day before. I told them i was thankful that God didn't have a "¡Para mi!" attitude when He sent His only Son, our Christmas present. Realizing there selfishness, crying broke out in the congregation. God moved.
I love beggars, but i really can't stand it when they act sadder in hopes that you will take more pity on them and give them something. Some children on Christmas Eve ran up to my car at a stoplight and begged, "Give me! Give me!," doing their best to look sad in the "poor-pitiful-me" fashion. I asked them "Why are you acting sad?" Stunned that i wanted tovactually talk to them (as if they were real people) and not give a nickel, they said nothing. I said, "Don't act sad! It's Merry Christmas, not Sad Christmas!" They smiled. As the light turned green i drove away\nthrowing them some sweets. They broke into laughter and ran around. Fun times!
I was lonely Christmas Eve night. It was just me and Coco, the dog. If anyone knows any drugs i could safely dose 30-lb. puppy with to make him calm down, i'd be very grateful…maybe some Ritalin for dogs? He gets so hyper when i come home or wake up that he looses control of his bladder.
Thankfully i was able to call Papa Jack and Granny Carol's Saturday night and got to talk to them, my folks, my uncles, my aunts, and my cousins! What a blessing! Regretfully, all phone stores were closed on Christmas Eve, preventing me from calling Alvin and Grams,' my grandparents on Mom's side, for that family gathering. Christmas Day, i called Satch and Granny, on my dad's side.
Sunday morning, i addressed the church in Pesillo describing the mob that had happened the day before. I told them i was thankful that God didn't have a "¡Para mi!" attitude when He sent His only Son, our Christmas present. Realizing there selfishness, crying broke out in the congregation. God moved.
I love beggars, but i really can't stand it when they act sadder in hopes that you will take more pity on them and give them something. Some children on Christmas Eve ran up to my car at a stoplight and begged, "Give me! Give me!," doing their best to look sad in the "poor-pitiful-me" fashion. I asked them "Why are you acting sad?" Stunned that i wanted to actually talk to them (as if they were real people) and not give a nickel, they said nothing. I said, "Don't act sad! It's 'Merry Christmas,' not Sad Christmas!'" They smiled. As the light turned green i drove away throwing them some sweets. They broke into laughter and ran around. Fun times!
I was lonely Christmas Eve night. It was just me and Coco, the dog. If anyone knows any drugs i could safely dose 30-lb. puppy with to make him calm down, i'd be very grateful…maybe some Ritalin for dogs? He gets so hyper when i come home or wake up that he looses control of his bladder.
Corporal punishment makes him scared and thus, he pees more.
Like i said, it was a very different Christmas. I forgot to stock the fridge so i had eggs and cereal with milk, now that the grocery stores and restaurants are closed. I believe i've contracted a bug from Pesillo, as diarrhea has ensued. I have a personal rule to not reject any drink or food people give me, especially while sharing the Gospel, less i appear rude and loose the opportunity to share.
I drank some hot milk that an elderly couple, Miguel and Dolores, offered me while i was witnessing to them at their home. When i enquired about the lumpy texture of the milk, they explained it was the "cheese." Skeptically, i drank most of if. I suspect the "cheese" has led to my frequent visits to the toilet. It was worth it though. I gave Miguel a Bible and explained how to use it. "The big numbers are chapters. The little numbers are verses." To see someone read a Bible, likely for the first time in their life, is worth enduring diarrhea. Praise God!
Pray that i wouldn't look so forward to going to Peru that i miss opportunities to share Christ here in Ecuador.
Miguel's and Doris' salvation
Discipleship of Edgar, Cesar, and Rosa
He pees in the apartment at least 3 times-a-day (twice in my bed, so far). Corporal punishment makes him scared and thus, he pees more.
Like i said, it was a very different Christmas. I forgot to stock the fridge so i had eggs and cereal with milk, now that the grocery stores and restaurants are closed. I believe i've contracted a bug from Pesillo, as diarrhea has ensued. I have a personal rule to not reject any drink or food people give me, especially while sharing the Gospel, less i appear rude and loose the opportunity to share.
I drank some hot milk that an elderly couple, Miguel and Dolores, offered me while i was witnessing to them at their home. When i enquired about the lumpy texture of the milk, they explained it was the "cheese." Skeptically, i drank most of if. I suspect the "cheese" has led to my frequent visits to the toilet. It was worth it though. I gave Miguel a Bible and explained how to use it. "The big numbers are chapters. The little numbers are verses." To see someone read a Bible, likely for the first time in their life, is worth enduring diarrhea. Praise God!
Pray that i wouldn't look so forward to going to Peru that i miss opportunities to share Christ here in Ecuador.
Miguel's and Doris' salvation
Discipleship of Edgar, Cesar, and Rosa
I'll be teaching an Overview of the Bible class for the next 3 Saturdays at 3pm. I'll be using a packet my mom made (translated to Spanish) to summarize every book of the Bible and explain the parts of the Bible. Pray they will take these tools and will study the Bible on their own long after i leave.
I'm going to try to have an MRI on my shoulder sometime this week or next, as it is still giving pain. I can work and live around it, doing most activities, but it's still aggravating.
Thanks for the prayers,
Special thanks to all who sent Christmas cards/gifts,
Love yall so stinking much,
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass\n
I'll be teaching an Overview of the Bible class for the next 3 Saturdays at 3pm. I'll be using a packet my mom made (translated to Spanish) to summarize every book of the Bible and explain the parts of the Bible. Pray they will take these tools and will study the Bible on their own long after i leave.
I'm going to try to have an MRI on my shoulder sometime this week or next, as it is still giving pain. I can work and live around it, doing most activities, but it's still aggravating.
Thanks for the prayers,Special thanks to all who sent Christmas cards/gifts,
Love yall so stinking much,
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Jesus. He's essential.
Doing research in Machachi
Teaching a Overview of the Bible class to the people in Pesillo. The purpose of the class is to equip the people with an understanding of how to study the Bible on their own.
There may be some new blog entries that interest you. Print them out and read them when you have the chance. (We, the Sluts of God; Mimicing Jesus in the Pursuit of Marriage; The Real Christmas Story)
The home-made gravy: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Amigos and amigas,
It was a very different Christmas. Saturday and Sunday (Christmas Eve) were spent, as usual, in Pesillo. A group from a church in Quito helped us Saturday, distributing gifts from clothing thrift stores and baggies of candy and animal crackers to the people of Pesillo. We had a grand celebration at the church and another in the square at Pesillo. I addressed the people both times, talking a few minutes on the meaning of Christmas. After our clowns entertained the children, we handed out the goods. People were pushing me and each other, trying to be the next to receive the precious gifts. I remembered how on the way to the town from Quito, the 2-hour drive included hundreds of groups of children about every hundred yards with their hands folded out to you in prayer-fashion equipped with puppy-dog faces, begging for people to stop and give them Christmas presents since they would surely receive none from their parent(s), who don't have the money to pretend to be Santa. Back in Pesillo, we fought the mob of outstretched hands, trying to be as fair as we could, making feeble attempts to make sure everyone got something. Everyone was shouting, "¡Para mi! ¡Para mi!," "For me! For me!," demanding more gifts and putting on their poor-me-puppy-dog faces as well. It was exhausting. At least they heard the Gospel, which was our goal. One man accepted Christ!
Thankfully i was able to call Papa Jack and Granny Carol's Saturday night and got to talk to them, my folks, my uncles, my aunts, and my\ncousins! What a blessing! Regretfully, all phone stores were closed on Christmas Eve, preventing me from calling Alvin and Grams, my grandparents on Mom's side, for that family gathering. Christmas Day, i called Satch and Granny, on my dad's side.
Sunday morning, i addressed the church in Pesillo describing the mob that had happened the day before. I told them i was thankful that God didn't have a "¡Para mi!" attitude when He sent His only Son, our Christmas present. Realizing there selfishness, crying broke out in the congregation. God moved.
I love beggars, but i really can't stand it when they act sadder in hopes that you will take more pity on them and give them something. Some children on Christmas Eve ran up to my car at a stoplight and begged, "Give me! Give me!," doing their best to look sad in the "poor-pitiful-me" fashion. I asked them "Why are you acting sad?" Stunned that i wanted tovactually talk to them (as if they were real people) and not give a nickel, they said nothing. I said, "Don't act sad! It's Merry Christmas, not Sad Christmas!" They smiled. As the light turned green i drove away\nthrowing them some sweets. They broke into laughter and ran around. Fun times!
I was lonely Christmas Eve night. It was just me and Coco, the dog. If anyone knows any drugs i could safely dose 30-lb. puppy with to make him calm down, i'd be very grateful…maybe some Ritalin for dogs? He gets so hyper when i come home or wake up that he looses control of his bladder.
Thankfully i was able to call Papa Jack and Granny Carol's Saturday night and got to talk to them, my folks, my uncles, my aunts, and my cousins! What a blessing! Regretfully, all phone stores were closed on Christmas Eve, preventing me from calling Alvin and Grams,' my grandparents on Mom's side, for that family gathering. Christmas Day, i called Satch and Granny, on my dad's side.
Sunday morning, i addressed the church in Pesillo describing the mob that had happened the day before. I told them i was thankful that God didn't have a "¡Para mi!" attitude when He sent His only Son, our Christmas present. Realizing there selfishness, crying broke out in the congregation. God moved.
I love beggars, but i really can't stand it when they act sadder in hopes that you will take more pity on them and give them something. Some children on Christmas Eve ran up to my car at a stoplight and begged, "Give me! Give me!," doing their best to look sad in the "poor-pitiful-me" fashion. I asked them "Why are you acting sad?" Stunned that i wanted to actually talk to them (as if they were real people) and not give a nickel, they said nothing. I said, "Don't act sad! It's 'Merry Christmas,' not Sad Christmas!'" They smiled. As the light turned green i drove away throwing them some sweets. They broke into laughter and ran around. Fun times!
I was lonely Christmas Eve night. It was just me and Coco, the dog. If anyone knows any drugs i could safely dose 30-lb. puppy with to make him calm down, i'd be very grateful…maybe some Ritalin for dogs? He gets so hyper when i come home or wake up that he looses control of his bladder.
Corporal punishment makes him scared and thus, he pees more.
Like i said, it was a very different Christmas. I forgot to stock the fridge so i had eggs and cereal with milk, now that the grocery stores and restaurants are closed. I believe i've contracted a bug from Pesillo, as diarrhea has ensued. I have a personal rule to not reject any drink or food people give me, especially while sharing the Gospel, less i appear rude and loose the opportunity to share.
I drank some hot milk that an elderly couple, Miguel and Dolores, offered me while i was witnessing to them at their home. When i enquired about the lumpy texture of the milk, they explained it was the "cheese." Skeptically, i drank most of if. I suspect the "cheese" has led to my frequent visits to the toilet. It was worth it though. I gave Miguel a Bible and explained how to use it. "The big numbers are chapters. The little numbers are verses." To see someone read a Bible, likely for the first time in their life, is worth enduring diarrhea. Praise God!
Pray that i wouldn't look so forward to going to Peru that i miss opportunities to share Christ here in Ecuador.
Miguel's and Doris' salvation
Discipleship of Edgar, Cesar, and Rosa
He pees in the apartment at least 3 times-a-day (twice in my bed, so far). Corporal punishment makes him scared and thus, he pees more.
Like i said, it was a very different Christmas. I forgot to stock the fridge so i had eggs and cereal with milk, now that the grocery stores and restaurants are closed. I believe i've contracted a bug from Pesillo, as diarrhea has ensued. I have a personal rule to not reject any drink or food people give me, especially while sharing the Gospel, less i appear rude and loose the opportunity to share.
I drank some hot milk that an elderly couple, Miguel and Dolores, offered me while i was witnessing to them at their home. When i enquired about the lumpy texture of the milk, they explained it was the "cheese." Skeptically, i drank most of if. I suspect the "cheese" has led to my frequent visits to the toilet. It was worth it though. I gave Miguel a Bible and explained how to use it. "The big numbers are chapters. The little numbers are verses." To see someone read a Bible, likely for the first time in their life, is worth enduring diarrhea. Praise God!
Pray that i wouldn't look so forward to going to Peru that i miss opportunities to share Christ here in Ecuador.
Miguel's and Doris' salvation
Discipleship of Edgar, Cesar, and Rosa
I'll be teaching an Overview of the Bible class for the next 3 Saturdays at 3pm. I'll be using a packet my mom made (translated to Spanish) to summarize every book of the Bible and explain the parts of the Bible. Pray they will take these tools and will study the Bible on their own long after i leave.
I'm going to try to have an MRI on my shoulder sometime this week or next, as it is still giving pain. I can work and live around it, doing most activities, but it's still aggravating.
Thanks for the prayers,
Special thanks to all who sent Christmas cards/gifts,
Love yall so stinking much,
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass\n
I'll be teaching an Overview of the Bible class for the next 3 Saturdays at 3pm. I'll be using a packet my mom made (translated to Spanish) to summarize every book of the Bible and explain the parts of the Bible. Pray they will take these tools and will study the Bible on their own long after i leave.
I'm going to try to have an MRI on my shoulder sometime this week or next, as it is still giving pain. I can work and live around it, doing most activities, but it's still aggravating.
Thanks for the prayers,Special thanks to all who sent Christmas cards/gifts,
Love yall so stinking much,
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Posts by : Admin
The Real Christmas Story
I know that you’ve probably had enough Christmas for one year; so forgive me. Nevertheless, i felt inclined to squash any traditional imagery existing that looks like this:

Here’s a stable, two proud parents of a Newborn (who’s large size makes me pity His mother) (Also note that Mary doesn’t have a drop of sweat after just delivering.), one clean shepherd, various clean livestock, three men bearing gifts wearing fancy cloaks (one is often black for diversity’s sake), and an angel (who looks like a person with wings) with her arms open welcoming all to come and behold the 30-lb. Newborn. Everyone has a fair complexion. Often Jesus has blond hair and blue eyes and is never crying. Everything is symmetrical. In the back of your mind (or Wal-mart or Christian retail bookstore, where you bought the set) “Silent Night” is playing softly.
The Bible paints a very Christmasy picture: This betrothed couple travel through 90 miles of Israeli roads (according to my crude measurement of a map in the back of my Bible) from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) with divorce crossing their minds during the pregnancy (Matthew 1:19). No form of transportation is mentioned (contrary to the tradition that Joseph walked while Mary rode a donkey). I can only assume they both walked, as was the common form of transportation in the day. I’m not sure how long it takes to walk 90 miles with a woman in her last days of pregnancy, but i can’t imagine it was an enjoyable trip. Though the Bible is unclear on Mary’s age, many scholars suggest she was in her early teens, as was the custom for girls to marry older men. Joseph’s carpentry business was likely failing as no one would cater to a man who apparently impregnated an underage girl out of wedlock. Mary, covered with acne as most 15-year-old girls are, was demanding the B.C. equivalent to rocky road ice cream every 30 minutes, as she was very pregnant. When they finally arrived in Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary were hoping for a place to rest their weary backs. But wait; due to the census, there was no room in the inn (Luke 2:7). I can see it now: Joseph is ready to fight the innkeeper. Mary is probably more ready to do so. I’ve never been around too many pregnant women for a lengthy duration of time, but i do know that you don’t want to get on their bad side, especially while they’re in labor like Mary (Luke 2:6). After knocking out the innkeeper (I made that part up), they headed through the crowded streets (due to that dang census), probably asking several townspeople for help as i can’t imagine they ran straight to the barn to have the Baby. No one will help, so they must go to a filthy manger, a feeding trough. They hosed down the slop that the livestock didn’t finish that day from the feeding trough, worrying about infections for both Mary and the Baby. There was probably blood from Mary and cow manure everywhere. Cows (or whatever livestock were present) were mooing as they were being run out of the stall to make room, dogs (if present) were barking and growling at these strangers, and Mary was screaming at the top of her lungs in pain during labor contrary to the song “Silent Night” would have us believe. I somehow doubt that Joseph, a carpenter, was probably much help in the science of child birthing. Trying to keep the situation as sanitary as possible, all they could come up with was swaddling cloths (Luke 2:7) to put God in. Meanwhile, an angel invited some shepherds in from the field (Luke 2:8). I imagine they smelled awful, as sheep herders care for their animals, often getting the manure and so forth on their persons, having no where to shower. The angel probably did not look like a person with wings; rather, it possibly looked like other angels in the Bible: terrifying, covered in fire, having eyes all over, 3 pairs of wings, a head like that of a lion, and/or a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24, Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:5-14, Revelation 4:6-8). It’s no wonder the shepherds were afraid (Luke 2:9)! Suddenly a multitude of a host of angels that looked like this appeared (Luke 2:13). A “host” is an army, not a choir. I suspect at least part of the band of shepherds had wet or soiled themselves, further adding to their smell. The magi (wise men), which are never numbered in Scripture, did not come that night. In fact, it is likely they came around two years later as Herod ordered all the male children under two years old aborted in the land in order to exterminate Jesus. Sorry, but you’ll have to find another way to bring diversity to the manger; no black guy. Since the wise men were “from the east,” (Matthew 2:1) they probably looked more Asian or Arabian anyway. Evidently they weren’t too wise since they explained that they were looking for “the king of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2) which made King Herod nervous enough plan an assassination. Thankfully, his plan failed and Jesus grew into a man, probably not having too many friends his age growing up since Herod killed the all boys in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16). Perhaps He found some in Nazareth when they moved there (Matthew 2:23).
And thus the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of peace, and Son of God left the comforts and glory of Heaven and entered this world of sinners in humility and suffering.

Here’s a stable, two proud parents of a Newborn (who’s large size makes me pity His mother) (Also note that Mary doesn’t have a drop of sweat after just delivering.), one clean shepherd, various clean livestock, three men bearing gifts wearing fancy cloaks (one is often black for diversity’s sake), and an angel (who looks like a person with wings) with her arms open welcoming all to come and behold the 30-lb. Newborn. Everyone has a fair complexion. Often Jesus has blond hair and blue eyes and is never crying. Everything is symmetrical. In the back of your mind (or Wal-mart or Christian retail bookstore, where you bought the set) “Silent Night” is playing softly.
The Bible paints a very Christmasy picture: This betrothed couple travel through 90 miles of Israeli roads (according to my crude measurement of a map in the back of my Bible) from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) with divorce crossing their minds during the pregnancy (Matthew 1:19). No form of transportation is mentioned (contrary to the tradition that Joseph walked while Mary rode a donkey). I can only assume they both walked, as was the common form of transportation in the day. I’m not sure how long it takes to walk 90 miles with a woman in her last days of pregnancy, but i can’t imagine it was an enjoyable trip. Though the Bible is unclear on Mary’s age, many scholars suggest she was in her early teens, as was the custom for girls to marry older men. Joseph’s carpentry business was likely failing as no one would cater to a man who apparently impregnated an underage girl out of wedlock. Mary, covered with acne as most 15-year-old girls are, was demanding the B.C. equivalent to rocky road ice cream every 30 minutes, as she was very pregnant. When they finally arrived in Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary were hoping for a place to rest their weary backs. But wait; due to the census, there was no room in the inn (Luke 2:7). I can see it now: Joseph is ready to fight the innkeeper. Mary is probably more ready to do so. I’ve never been around too many pregnant women for a lengthy duration of time, but i do know that you don’t want to get on their bad side, especially while they’re in labor like Mary (Luke 2:6). After knocking out the innkeeper (I made that part up), they headed through the crowded streets (due to that dang census), probably asking several townspeople for help as i can’t imagine they ran straight to the barn to have the Baby. No one will help, so they must go to a filthy manger, a feeding trough. They hosed down the slop that the livestock didn’t finish that day from the feeding trough, worrying about infections for both Mary and the Baby. There was probably blood from Mary and cow manure everywhere. Cows (or whatever livestock were present) were mooing as they were being run out of the stall to make room, dogs (if present) were barking and growling at these strangers, and Mary was screaming at the top of her lungs in pain during labor contrary to the song “Silent Night” would have us believe. I somehow doubt that Joseph, a carpenter, was probably much help in the science of child birthing. Trying to keep the situation as sanitary as possible, all they could come up with was swaddling cloths (Luke 2:7) to put God in. Meanwhile, an angel invited some shepherds in from the field (Luke 2:8). I imagine they smelled awful, as sheep herders care for their animals, often getting the manure and so forth on their persons, having no where to shower. The angel probably did not look like a person with wings; rather, it possibly looked like other angels in the Bible: terrifying, covered in fire, having eyes all over, 3 pairs of wings, a head like that of a lion, and/or a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24, Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:5-14, Revelation 4:6-8). It’s no wonder the shepherds were afraid (Luke 2:9)! Suddenly a multitude of a host of angels that looked like this appeared (Luke 2:13). A “host” is an army, not a choir. I suspect at least part of the band of shepherds had wet or soiled themselves, further adding to their smell. The magi (wise men), which are never numbered in Scripture, did not come that night. In fact, it is likely they came around two years later as Herod ordered all the male children under two years old aborted in the land in order to exterminate Jesus. Sorry, but you’ll have to find another way to bring diversity to the manger; no black guy. Since the wise men were “from the east,” (Matthew 2:1) they probably looked more Asian or Arabian anyway. Evidently they weren’t too wise since they explained that they were looking for “the king of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2) which made King Herod nervous enough plan an assassination. Thankfully, his plan failed and Jesus grew into a man, probably not having too many friends his age growing up since Herod killed the all boys in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16). Perhaps He found some in Nazareth when they moved there (Matthew 2:23).
And thus the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of peace, and Son of God left the comforts and glory of Heaven and entered this world of sinners in humility and suffering.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Posts by : Admin
Mimicing Jesus in the Pursuit of Marriage
The last time i wrote about this subject, i believe my ideas were choppy and a little hard to follow. If you read the other two blog entries on marriage, feel free to skip this one as it will say about 90% of the same stuff, some word-for-word. If you haven’t read the former two or didn’t follow my logic, please read on…
That being said, the goal of this entry is to convince you, the reader, of Scriptural truths, not my opinion. If after reading, you disagree, then i apologize in advance because evidently i won’t have used enough Scripture to convince you. If you say it works for some people but not for all because of their context of culture or time or specific situation, keep in mind that those are the same arguments relativists use to ignore the offer of salvation through grace in Christ when other parts of Scripture are shown to them. If Biblical, then it applies to all peoples in all cultures in all eras of history, regardless, be it the core doctrine of salvation or a simple instruction for holy Christian living.
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.’” (Matthew 1:18-20)
They were betrothed (a type of engagement), before their wedding, and divorce was still legally necessary in order that they separate. Hmmm. That means that somehow their betrothal made them legally married, but they still had to keep their virginity until the wedding. Biblical engagement was a time of preparation for marriage, not a final test to see if you really want to marry someone, as is the case so often in western culture. Interestingly enough, this is the type of relationship we currently share with Christ.
“I feel a divine jealousy for you, for I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:2)
We have been betrothed (engaged) to Christ. He has paid the bride-price, His blood. As Christians, we have accepted His proposal for marriage and salvation. Since He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), He’s not going to divorce us. Contextually this passage is about Judah’s unfaithfulness. She even marries a foreign god in the Lord’s sanctuary (v.11). In spite of that, He states that He hates divorce. In the same way, God could say He hates something, like rape. Because of that, you can’t justify it. Can you imagine of God said, “I hate rape, but it’s ok if _____.”? That’s ridiculous! In the same way, if God says He hates divorce, it’s not ok, ever. This betrothal we have with Christ is not a trial period. We are His. This is it. We are married to Him. We are His Bride. He has not put a diamond band on our finger, but the Holy Spirit is the seal on our hearts. (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30)
“It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32)
“And Pharisees came up to Him and tested Him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.’ They said to Him, ‘Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?’ He said to them, ‘Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. and I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.’” (Matthew 19:3-9)
Jesus is not giving an excuse to divorce. He is not saying, “Divorce is wrong unless your spouse cheats on you. Then it’s ok.” No! He is saying that it is adulterous to divorce your spouse except in the case for sexual immorality. In the case of sexual immorality, divorce is still wrong (v.6b, “…let no man separate.”) but it’s just not considered adultery.
Really, the issue of divorce and eternal security are directly linked. Does Christ divorce His Bride? Nor should we. Read Hosea. Israel has played the harlot. She has submitted herself as a servant to false gods, having adultery with them. Yes, God condemns it. He is furious. However, He takes her back, speaking kindly to her (v. 2:14). God even has the prophet, Hosea, marry a prostitute so that he can relate to the Lord’s position. God is in love with His Bride and always takes her back. So should we. Divorce is wrong, period. There is no justifiable excuse for it. We are secure in Christ. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We didn’t do anything to save ourselves. Nor can we do anything to unsave ourselves, and thus, forfeit our Marriage with Him. I feel like there are greater minds on this subject, if you are interested.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:22-27)
We are to mimic Christ’s relationship to His Bride in our marriages. How does Christ love His Bride? However He does it, we should mimic it. Well, we’ve already seen that He has a mentality where divorce is not an option. Also, during this time of engagement, Christ has emotional and spiritual intimacy with us. It is as deep as we allow it to be. Interestingly enough, before we accept His proposal, we do not share this marital emotional intimacy with Him. Sure, He loves us, but with the agape love that God has for all people, but we are not loved by Him in the sense that a husband loves his bride, eros love. Before you entered into this engagement with Christ, how much romantic intimacy did you have with Him? I was incapable of having any sort of deep intimacy with Christ, where He leads me and guides me to understand more and more about His mysterious character. Biblical truths were foreign to me. I was incapable of understanding them without the guide of the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, there was no trial relationship i had with God. Sometimes i see graffiti that says, “TRY JESUS.” I can’t help but think, “What a load of crap! You can’t try Him.” The Gospel message is reckless abandonment of my old self in order to place my faith in Christ, taking that leap of faith into the grace of Christ that saves me. Try leaping from one place to another sometime without fully committing to it, or try throwing a rock without committing to it (You people from Snowbird will remember Brody’s sermon illustration about the parallels between faith and rock throwing.). It’s impossible. You’re either doing it or not. Therefore, i either accept His proposal or not. A lost person will never be able to try out Christianity for a little while with the mindset that if they don’t like it or things don’t work out, they can always go back to their old lifestyle. Once they throw that rock and release it from their hand, there is no bringing it back. It’s gone. Our relationship with our earthly brides, if God wills us to be married, should mimic Christ’s relationship with His Bride in this.
“Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father. Treat younger men like brothers, 2 older women like mothers, younger women like sisters, in all purity.” (1 Timothy 5:1)
How far should we go with our siblings? Emotionally? Physically? Spiritually? Now, the Bible doesn’t say, “Thou shalt not date.” But, in my opinion, dating or courting your sister is pretty gross. God thinks so too.
As an athlete, i’ve learned that i will play how i practice. 9 times out of 10, if i try to change something on game-day, it’s not going to work. I train my mind to play a certain way through repetition in practice. Is it any surprise the divorce rate in western culture is so high (50-51% in the US, i’m told)? Our culture teaches us that we must enter into trial romantic relationships before marriage. If i do that over and over again, training my mind to test out a member of the opposite sex, through repetition, and then dumping them when things don’t turn out so well, i’m setting myself up for a marriage that will follow suit. Some 50% of marriages have followed suit. Many married people are allowing themselves the option of temporary romantic relationships leading up to marriage because that’s how they’ve trained their minds to work since their teenage years. Many can’t stop this mindset and so divorce, which makes marriage a temporary romantic relationship, is the inevitable. Sure, by the grace of God, He can and does change that mindset in so many Christian homes that were started through trial romantic relationships, but should He have to?
Granted, i know countless married couples who have managed to have marriages that God uses to glorify Himself which were organized through a trial romantic relationship (dating, courting, whatever you call it). God uses imperfect people and situations to glorify Himself every moment of everyday. He's more than capable of using a marriage that was set up through dating to glorify Himself. Even so, we should not embrace those trial romantic relationships no more than we should embrace the kiss from Judas which God used through a series of events to send Christ to the cross and so make forgiveness available to all men. If something is not His Will, we should avoid it, if possible, regardless of how He may wield it in the future.
“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God
The Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult
And give him the glory,
For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
And His Bride has made herself ready;
It was granted her to clothe herself
With fine linen, bright and pure’—
For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, ‘Write this: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true words of God.’” (Revelation 19:6)
Throughout Scripture we are referred to as the Bride of Christ, but our wedding ceremony/supper has not happened yet. However, we are His betrothed Bride because we have accepted His proposal for salvation, and ultimately, for marriage. The marriage ceremony is found here in Revelation, which will happen after the rapture. We are to be ready for His coming, always preparing for this marriage. Interestingly enough, our first physical intimacy is shared with Christ here, at the marriage. What an awesome picture it is to see my Christian friends who share their first kiss on the wedding altar! To really strive to keep physical purity until the time Christ shows us by His own example with His Bride! Wow!
“The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said,‘This at last is bone of my bonesAnd flesh of my flesh;She shall be called Woman,Because she was taken out of Man.’Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:20-25)
Have you ever thought about how profound it is that God put Adam to sleep? Why would he do such a thing? Was it for anesthesia? No, God could have simply made the rib area numb if He wanted to. He knew that if Adam was awake while He was forming a mate for him, he would have tried to help God by saying, “Hey God, can you make her look like this… Think like this… Act like this…” God says, “No. Go to sleep, Adam. I know what’s best for you. I’ll wake you up when I’m ready to give her to you.”
Adam had already been studying the animals finding “there was not found a helper fit for him.” Looking at the hippos, orangutans, elephants, cats, etc., Adam says to himself, “No, I don’t want any of that action!” Later, “Hey animals, have yall seen something that looks like me, except…a little different?” Thankfully, God had better plans for Adam.
About this Genesis passage, Jim Elliot, while still single, journaled…
“No one warns young people to follow Adam’s example. He waited ‘til God saw his need. Then God made Adam sleep, prepared for his mate, and brought her to him. We need more of this ‘being asleep’ in the will of God. Then we can receive what He brings us in His own time, if at all. Instead we are set as bloodhounds after a partner, considering everyone we see until our minds are so concerned with the sex problem that we can talk of nothing else when bull-session time comes around. It is true that a fellow can not ignore women- but he can think of them as he ought: as sisters, not as sparring partners!”
My fellow singles, let us now enter into a deep sleep. Let us be asleep in the will of God. He’ll wake you up when He’s ready to give you your spouse, if indeed that is His plan for you.
That being said, the goal of this entry is to convince you, the reader, of Scriptural truths, not my opinion. If after reading, you disagree, then i apologize in advance because evidently i won’t have used enough Scripture to convince you. If you say it works for some people but not for all because of their context of culture or time or specific situation, keep in mind that those are the same arguments relativists use to ignore the offer of salvation through grace in Christ when other parts of Scripture are shown to them. If Biblical, then it applies to all peoples in all cultures in all eras of history, regardless, be it the core doctrine of salvation or a simple instruction for holy Christian living.
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.’” (Matthew 1:18-20)
They were betrothed (a type of engagement), before their wedding, and divorce was still legally necessary in order that they separate. Hmmm. That means that somehow their betrothal made them legally married, but they still had to keep their virginity until the wedding. Biblical engagement was a time of preparation for marriage, not a final test to see if you really want to marry someone, as is the case so often in western culture. Interestingly enough, this is the type of relationship we currently share with Christ.
“I feel a divine jealousy for you, for I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:2)
We have been betrothed (engaged) to Christ. He has paid the bride-price, His blood. As Christians, we have accepted His proposal for marriage and salvation. Since He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), He’s not going to divorce us. Contextually this passage is about Judah’s unfaithfulness. She even marries a foreign god in the Lord’s sanctuary (v.11). In spite of that, He states that He hates divorce. In the same way, God could say He hates something, like rape. Because of that, you can’t justify it. Can you imagine of God said, “I hate rape, but it’s ok if _____.”? That’s ridiculous! In the same way, if God says He hates divorce, it’s not ok, ever. This betrothal we have with Christ is not a trial period. We are His. This is it. We are married to Him. We are His Bride. He has not put a diamond band on our finger, but the Holy Spirit is the seal on our hearts. (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30)
“It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32)
“And Pharisees came up to Him and tested Him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.’ They said to Him, ‘Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?’ He said to them, ‘Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. and I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.’” (Matthew 19:3-9)
Jesus is not giving an excuse to divorce. He is not saying, “Divorce is wrong unless your spouse cheats on you. Then it’s ok.” No! He is saying that it is adulterous to divorce your spouse except in the case for sexual immorality. In the case of sexual immorality, divorce is still wrong (v.6b, “…let no man separate.”) but it’s just not considered adultery.
Really, the issue of divorce and eternal security are directly linked. Does Christ divorce His Bride? Nor should we. Read Hosea. Israel has played the harlot. She has submitted herself as a servant to false gods, having adultery with them. Yes, God condemns it. He is furious. However, He takes her back, speaking kindly to her (v. 2:14). God even has the prophet, Hosea, marry a prostitute so that he can relate to the Lord’s position. God is in love with His Bride and always takes her back. So should we. Divorce is wrong, period. There is no justifiable excuse for it. We are secure in Christ. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We didn’t do anything to save ourselves. Nor can we do anything to unsave ourselves, and thus, forfeit our Marriage with Him. I feel like there are greater minds on this subject, if you are interested.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:22-27)
We are to mimic Christ’s relationship to His Bride in our marriages. How does Christ love His Bride? However He does it, we should mimic it. Well, we’ve already seen that He has a mentality where divorce is not an option. Also, during this time of engagement, Christ has emotional and spiritual intimacy with us. It is as deep as we allow it to be. Interestingly enough, before we accept His proposal, we do not share this marital emotional intimacy with Him. Sure, He loves us, but with the agape love that God has for all people, but we are not loved by Him in the sense that a husband loves his bride, eros love. Before you entered into this engagement with Christ, how much romantic intimacy did you have with Him? I was incapable of having any sort of deep intimacy with Christ, where He leads me and guides me to understand more and more about His mysterious character. Biblical truths were foreign to me. I was incapable of understanding them without the guide of the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, there was no trial relationship i had with God. Sometimes i see graffiti that says, “TRY JESUS.” I can’t help but think, “What a load of crap! You can’t try Him.” The Gospel message is reckless abandonment of my old self in order to place my faith in Christ, taking that leap of faith into the grace of Christ that saves me. Try leaping from one place to another sometime without fully committing to it, or try throwing a rock without committing to it (You people from Snowbird will remember Brody’s sermon illustration about the parallels between faith and rock throwing.). It’s impossible. You’re either doing it or not. Therefore, i either accept His proposal or not. A lost person will never be able to try out Christianity for a little while with the mindset that if they don’t like it or things don’t work out, they can always go back to their old lifestyle. Once they throw that rock and release it from their hand, there is no bringing it back. It’s gone. Our relationship with our earthly brides, if God wills us to be married, should mimic Christ’s relationship with His Bride in this.
“Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father. Treat younger men like brothers, 2 older women like mothers, younger women like sisters, in all purity.” (1 Timothy 5:1)
How far should we go with our siblings? Emotionally? Physically? Spiritually? Now, the Bible doesn’t say, “Thou shalt not date.” But, in my opinion, dating or courting your sister is pretty gross. God thinks so too.
As an athlete, i’ve learned that i will play how i practice. 9 times out of 10, if i try to change something on game-day, it’s not going to work. I train my mind to play a certain way through repetition in practice. Is it any surprise the divorce rate in western culture is so high (50-51% in the US, i’m told)? Our culture teaches us that we must enter into trial romantic relationships before marriage. If i do that over and over again, training my mind to test out a member of the opposite sex, through repetition, and then dumping them when things don’t turn out so well, i’m setting myself up for a marriage that will follow suit. Some 50% of marriages have followed suit. Many married people are allowing themselves the option of temporary romantic relationships leading up to marriage because that’s how they’ve trained their minds to work since their teenage years. Many can’t stop this mindset and so divorce, which makes marriage a temporary romantic relationship, is the inevitable. Sure, by the grace of God, He can and does change that mindset in so many Christian homes that were started through trial romantic relationships, but should He have to?
Granted, i know countless married couples who have managed to have marriages that God uses to glorify Himself which were organized through a trial romantic relationship (dating, courting, whatever you call it). God uses imperfect people and situations to glorify Himself every moment of everyday. He's more than capable of using a marriage that was set up through dating to glorify Himself. Even so, we should not embrace those trial romantic relationships no more than we should embrace the kiss from Judas which God used through a series of events to send Christ to the cross and so make forgiveness available to all men. If something is not His Will, we should avoid it, if possible, regardless of how He may wield it in the future.
“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God
The Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult
And give him the glory,
For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
And His Bride has made herself ready;
It was granted her to clothe herself
With fine linen, bright and pure’—
For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, ‘Write this: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true words of God.’” (Revelation 19:6)
Throughout Scripture we are referred to as the Bride of Christ, but our wedding ceremony/supper has not happened yet. However, we are His betrothed Bride because we have accepted His proposal for salvation, and ultimately, for marriage. The marriage ceremony is found here in Revelation, which will happen after the rapture. We are to be ready for His coming, always preparing for this marriage. Interestingly enough, our first physical intimacy is shared with Christ here, at the marriage. What an awesome picture it is to see my Christian friends who share their first kiss on the wedding altar! To really strive to keep physical purity until the time Christ shows us by His own example with His Bride! Wow!
“The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said,‘This at last is bone of my bonesAnd flesh of my flesh;She shall be called Woman,Because she was taken out of Man.’Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:20-25)
Have you ever thought about how profound it is that God put Adam to sleep? Why would he do such a thing? Was it for anesthesia? No, God could have simply made the rib area numb if He wanted to. He knew that if Adam was awake while He was forming a mate for him, he would have tried to help God by saying, “Hey God, can you make her look like this… Think like this… Act like this…” God says, “No. Go to sleep, Adam. I know what’s best for you. I’ll wake you up when I’m ready to give her to you.”
Adam had already been studying the animals finding “there was not found a helper fit for him.” Looking at the hippos, orangutans, elephants, cats, etc., Adam says to himself, “No, I don’t want any of that action!” Later, “Hey animals, have yall seen something that looks like me, except…a little different?” Thankfully, God had better plans for Adam.
About this Genesis passage, Jim Elliot, while still single, journaled…
“No one warns young people to follow Adam’s example. He waited ‘til God saw his need. Then God made Adam sleep, prepared for his mate, and brought her to him. We need more of this ‘being asleep’ in the will of God. Then we can receive what He brings us in His own time, if at all. Instead we are set as bloodhounds after a partner, considering everyone we see until our minds are so concerned with the sex problem that we can talk of nothing else when bull-session time comes around. It is true that a fellow can not ignore women- but he can think of them as he ought: as sisters, not as sparring partners!”
My fellow singles, let us now enter into a deep sleep. Let us be asleep in the will of God. He’ll wake you up when He’s ready to give you your spouse, if indeed that is His plan for you.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Posts by : Admin
We, the Sluts of God
“‘I also swore to you and entered into a covenant with you so that you became Mine,’ declares the Lord God…‘But you trusted in your beauty and played the harlot because of your fame and your poured out your harlotries on every passer-by who might be willing...How languishing is your heart,’ declares the Lord God, ‘while you do all these things, the actions of a bold-faced harlot…You adulteress wife, who takes strangers instead of her husband! Men give gifts to all harlots, but you give your gifts to all your lovers to bribe them to come to you from every direction for your harlotries…Nevertheless, I will remember My covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you…I have forgiven you for all that you have done,’ the Lord God declares.” (Ezekiel 16)
This is one of the most difficult passages of Scripture for me to fathom. Hopefully you will go back and read the full chapter soon. God goes into great detail confessing His salvation of His Bride, Jerusalem (Israel). He had made a covenant with Her with Abram before they were even known as Israel. Note that since He is God, He knew everything she would do before He chose her. That blows me away.
Jerusalem took the very beauty and talents that her Husband gave her and used them to prostitute herself with the surrounding pagan countries. She stopped preserving her love for her Husband, God, only and worshiped the pagan gods. He even points out that she is the worst of prostitutes, not receiving pay for her harlotries, but actually paying to perform harlotries.
A friend of mine had a roommate in college one semester who was sexually promiscuous. Once she asked my friend, “Do you think I’m a slut?” My friend replied, “No, sluts get paid for what they do.” Perhaps it wasn’t the best way to try to win this person to the Lord, but she made a good point: At least prostitutes get some compensation for their deeds. Her roommate was doing it for free. And Israel was at the other end of the pendulum, paying her lovers for her services.
Whenever we crawl back to our sin, it is the same thing. We, the Bride of Christ, the true Israel (Romans 9:6-8), have nothing to use except the talents Christ has given us, whether to serve Him or commit adultery against Him. Every skill, every piece of material, every spiritual gift, every talent, every body part, and even the air we are breathing has been entrusted to us by God to use to His glory. So many times i’ve use them to serve other gods. If you knew the retched perversions i think and do, you would not listen to anything i have to say. Rather, you would run away in disgust. Christ has the characteristic (not the privilege) to be omniscient and see everything we do and think. He sees all that and loves us still. This boggles my mind. I am not worthy of His grace or His love.
Since He refused to divorce us, Israel, in Ezekiel 16, in spite of our harlotries then, He certainly will refuse to divorce us now under our everlasting covenant. Note that something everlasting, by definition, has no end. There is no Christian ever to have lived that has managed to make it through this betrothal/engagement (2 Corinthians 11:1-2) period without committing adultery (sinning) against our Husband. He has yet to divorce one.
The prophet, Hosea, endured this. In order to give Hosea the opportunity to experience how He feels, God instructed him to marry a prostitute (Hosea 1:2). Imagine Hosea prophesying to the people of Israel, imploring them to repent from their sins. Men come up to him, mocking him, “Hey prophet! Isn’t your wife that slut?” Others call out, “Hosea, you’re telling us to repent. Why don’t you go prophesy to your own wife!” Still a few could have jeered, “Hosea, guess what! For a few dollars last night, your wife pleasured me. It was great!” Before i go on let me say that nothing will get a man fired up worse than you talking about his woman. The restraint Hosea must have shown! God experiences this every time His Bride commits adultery against Him. The Devil says, “Hey Jesus, Your Bride just slept with me last night, and the day before, and 7times last week, and…” “Hey God, Your child, corey [feel free to insert your own name], serves me daily with the life You gave him.” Why does God love me, us, His Bride still? It is an incomprehensible passion He has for us. I cannot begin to explain it. Never has such unconditional love been felt by anyone.
This is one of the most difficult passages of Scripture for me to fathom. Hopefully you will go back and read the full chapter soon. God goes into great detail confessing His salvation of His Bride, Jerusalem (Israel). He had made a covenant with Her with Abram before they were even known as Israel. Note that since He is God, He knew everything she would do before He chose her. That blows me away.
Jerusalem took the very beauty and talents that her Husband gave her and used them to prostitute herself with the surrounding pagan countries. She stopped preserving her love for her Husband, God, only and worshiped the pagan gods. He even points out that she is the worst of prostitutes, not receiving pay for her harlotries, but actually paying to perform harlotries.
A friend of mine had a roommate in college one semester who was sexually promiscuous. Once she asked my friend, “Do you think I’m a slut?” My friend replied, “No, sluts get paid for what they do.” Perhaps it wasn’t the best way to try to win this person to the Lord, but she made a good point: At least prostitutes get some compensation for their deeds. Her roommate was doing it for free. And Israel was at the other end of the pendulum, paying her lovers for her services.
Whenever we crawl back to our sin, it is the same thing. We, the Bride of Christ, the true Israel (Romans 9:6-8), have nothing to use except the talents Christ has given us, whether to serve Him or commit adultery against Him. Every skill, every piece of material, every spiritual gift, every talent, every body part, and even the air we are breathing has been entrusted to us by God to use to His glory. So many times i’ve use them to serve other gods. If you knew the retched perversions i think and do, you would not listen to anything i have to say. Rather, you would run away in disgust. Christ has the characteristic (not the privilege) to be omniscient and see everything we do and think. He sees all that and loves us still. This boggles my mind. I am not worthy of His grace or His love.
Since He refused to divorce us, Israel, in Ezekiel 16, in spite of our harlotries then, He certainly will refuse to divorce us now under our everlasting covenant. Note that something everlasting, by definition, has no end. There is no Christian ever to have lived that has managed to make it through this betrothal/engagement (2 Corinthians 11:1-2) period without committing adultery (sinning) against our Husband. He has yet to divorce one.
The prophet, Hosea, endured this. In order to give Hosea the opportunity to experience how He feels, God instructed him to marry a prostitute (Hosea 1:2). Imagine Hosea prophesying to the people of Israel, imploring them to repent from their sins. Men come up to him, mocking him, “Hey prophet! Isn’t your wife that slut?” Others call out, “Hosea, you’re telling us to repent. Why don’t you go prophesy to your own wife!” Still a few could have jeered, “Hosea, guess what! For a few dollars last night, your wife pleasured me. It was great!” Before i go on let me say that nothing will get a man fired up worse than you talking about his woman. The restraint Hosea must have shown! God experiences this every time His Bride commits adultery against Him. The Devil says, “Hey Jesus, Your Bride just slept with me last night, and the day before, and 7times last week, and…” “Hey God, Your child, corey [feel free to insert your own name], serves me daily with the life You gave him.” Why does God love me, us, His Bride still? It is an incomprehensible passion He has for us. I cannot begin to explain it. Never has such unconditional love been felt by anyone.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Posts by : Admin
The chicken sandwich: (essentials for the skimmers)
Edgar got baptized and Jesus saved 2 others!
Survived Guayaquil last week
I'm house sitting for the next 3 weeks
Entertained kids in Cuchupamba one day
Had a Christmas fancy shindig with pastors from the region.
My Peru date got moved up to January 17!
Teote.com has been updated (New newsletter and James' profile).
Bobby Lane (my best friend and missionary in Peru) is engaged to Maridith Wade!
Prayer requests are below.
The soggy pickles: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Dear Familia en Cristo,The trip to Guayaquil was a dandy. I was able to meet with a few powers-that-be, including the president of the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention, and promoted the Xtreme Team. It sounds like they were very interested in involving Ecuadorians my age in this mission. Praise God!I found out Sunday afternoon that Edgar, who i led to Christ a few weeks ago, was baptized that morning at my house! I missed it! Ignacio, who has been discipling Edgar as well did the honors. I was in Pesillo for the weekend, but it was worth the missed baptism for i was able to help lead Rosa (Roh-sah), a woman who lives there, to Christ! Also, Cesar (Say-sar), a guy Jose and i led to the Lord a couple weeks ago, is showing signs of a hunger to learn and be discipled. Praise the Lord!The Cargile missionary-family has left Quito to visit their relatives in Texas, bequeathing me their 3 bedroom apartment to house sit for 3 weeks. Coco, the puppy, and i have the place all to ourselves.My boss in Peru, Jeremy, moved my date up to January 17 to leave to go to the Xtreme Team! This is very exciting. Yes, worriers, i will still be patiently waiting until February before punishing my knee.
Pray these baby Christians would become disciples bent on reaching telling everyone about their Savior!
TEOTE Missions... Pray that God would continue to guide it.
Pray that He would glorify Himself in my life.
Happy Kwanzza!
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Edgar got baptized and Jesus saved 2 others!
Survived Guayaquil last week
I'm house sitting for the next 3 weeks
Entertained kids in Cuchupamba one day
Had a Christmas fancy shindig with pastors from the region.
My Peru date got moved up to January 17!
Teote.com has been updated (New newsletter and James' profile).
Bobby Lane (my best friend and missionary in Peru) is engaged to Maridith Wade!
Prayer requests are below.
The soggy pickles: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Dear Familia en Cristo,The trip to Guayaquil was a dandy. I was able to meet with a few powers-that-be, including the president of the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention, and promoted the Xtreme Team. It sounds like they were very interested in involving Ecuadorians my age in this mission. Praise God!I found out Sunday afternoon that Edgar, who i led to Christ a few weeks ago, was baptized that morning at my house! I missed it! Ignacio, who has been discipling Edgar as well did the honors. I was in Pesillo for the weekend, but it was worth the missed baptism for i was able to help lead Rosa (Roh-sah), a woman who lives there, to Christ! Also, Cesar (Say-sar), a guy Jose and i led to the Lord a couple weeks ago, is showing signs of a hunger to learn and be discipled. Praise the Lord!The Cargile missionary-family has left Quito to visit their relatives in Texas, bequeathing me their 3 bedroom apartment to house sit for 3 weeks. Coco, the puppy, and i have the place all to ourselves.My boss in Peru, Jeremy, moved my date up to January 17 to leave to go to the Xtreme Team! This is very exciting. Yes, worriers, i will still be patiently waiting until February before punishing my knee.
Pray these baby Christians would become disciples bent on reaching telling everyone about their Savior!
TEOTE Missions... Pray that God would continue to guide it.
Pray that He would glorify Himself in my life.
Happy Kwanzza!
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Posts by : Admin
¿Quien Vive? ¡Cristo!…
Elder: "Who lives?"
Congregation: "Christ!"
E: "What is His name?"
C: Glory!"
E: "Where is His town?"
C: "In Victory!"
Those words shouted in the church in Pesillo every Sunday multiple times throughout the service (in Spanish, of course).
The books: (essentials for the skimmers)
Over 60 (out of 150) people were removed from this mailing list when they didn't reply! After being notified around 20 have repented (some with good excuses) and have been welcomed back to the fold.
Adam Vinson, former SWO staff, and i (in my spare time) are creating a SWO-based mission board called TEOTE Missions. Teote.com has been updated.
I went to a futbol game, lost my car again when one of our missionaries got out of jail, got sick for a morning (morning sickness?), the knee is good, and wrote a blog entry about my trip to one of the coolest churches on God's green earth.
I'm in Guayaquil, Ecuador for a few days.
Prayer requests are below.
The sandbags: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Dear Bride of Christ,I was hoping to give yall an idea of how big the city of Quito is. The population is 2.3 million. That's a little better than 1/4 of the state of North Carolina. In other words, it's a big town.Russ Bare, an IMB missionary here, was parked in traffic when another driver wrecked into him the night of Thanksgiving. Even though it wasn't his fault, the law here says that if you are involved in an accident and people are injured and you aren't, you go to jail. So he spent a full week in jail (where your only source of food is family/friend visits) while the police sorted it all out during election week. He got out and need a car, so mine went to his family while his is being repaired.That put me riding the bus to the Pesillo church which made me car sick and forced me to end a fast i'd been working on. Nevertheless, i'm back to 100% and glad to be eating.Many of you have been asking about my physical health. My foot (which had surgery in summer '05) is doing great. Sometimes it aches but so does the rest of me. -Nothing to fret over. The knee (which had surgery recently) is having no problems, whatsoever. I can't even tell anything was wrong with it. I've been forced to run on it a couple times (Remember the futbol blog entry?) and it's done excellent. My shoulder (which had surgery a couple years ago) is constantly hurting. Bone spurs? I covet your prayers on the shoulder.I'm currently in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador, for a few days doing God knows what (I don't mean that in a Lords-name-in-vain way, but in a Lord-hasn't-told-corey-what-is-going-on way.)! I'm going to try to advertise for Xtreme Team and do some people group research while in town. The 11-hour bus ride yesterday was... the only way an 11-hour bus ride can be: grueling. I got to sit beside Jorge, who claimed to be a Christian. During several good conversations i encouraged him to not have 2 girlfriends.
We are talking to Edgar about being baptized, which he's interested in having done. He was not so interested in inviting his family and friends which are Catholic. There is a lot of friction between Evangelicals and Catholics in Latin America and it'd be showing them publicly that he was no longer one of them. Pray for his courage and boldness to share the Gospel with others, including his loved ones.
TEOTE Missions (The Ends of the Earth Mission, briefly known as SMOi, Snowbird Missions Outreach International)... Pray that God would guide it.
Pray God would work through me, not inspite of me. Pray that He would glorify Himself in my life.
Love yall, siblings!
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Congregation: "Christ!"
E: "What is His name?"
C: Glory!"
E: "Where is His town?"
C: "In Victory!"
Those words shouted in the church in Pesillo every Sunday multiple times throughout the service (in Spanish, of course).
The books: (essentials for the skimmers)
Over 60 (out of 150) people were removed from this mailing list when they didn't reply! After being notified around 20 have repented (some with good excuses) and have been welcomed back to the fold.
Adam Vinson, former SWO staff, and i (in my spare time) are creating a SWO-based mission board called TEOTE Missions. Teote.com has been updated.
I went to a futbol game, lost my car again when one of our missionaries got out of jail, got sick for a morning (morning sickness?), the knee is good, and wrote a blog entry about my trip to one of the coolest churches on God's green earth.
I'm in Guayaquil, Ecuador for a few days.
Prayer requests are below.
The sandbags: (extras for the non-skimmers)
Dear Bride of Christ,I was hoping to give yall an idea of how big the city of Quito is. The population is 2.3 million. That's a little better than 1/4 of the state of North Carolina. In other words, it's a big town.Russ Bare, an IMB missionary here, was parked in traffic when another driver wrecked into him the night of Thanksgiving. Even though it wasn't his fault, the law here says that if you are involved in an accident and people are injured and you aren't, you go to jail. So he spent a full week in jail (where your only source of food is family/friend visits) while the police sorted it all out during election week. He got out and need a car, so mine went to his family while his is being repaired.That put me riding the bus to the Pesillo church which made me car sick and forced me to end a fast i'd been working on. Nevertheless, i'm back to 100% and glad to be eating.Many of you have been asking about my physical health. My foot (which had surgery in summer '05) is doing great. Sometimes it aches but so does the rest of me. -Nothing to fret over. The knee (which had surgery recently) is having no problems, whatsoever. I can't even tell anything was wrong with it. I've been forced to run on it a couple times (Remember the futbol blog entry?) and it's done excellent. My shoulder (which had surgery a couple years ago) is constantly hurting. Bone spurs? I covet your prayers on the shoulder.I'm currently in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador, for a few days doing God knows what (I don't mean that in a Lords-name-in-vain way, but in a Lord-hasn't-told-corey-what-is-going-on way.)! I'm going to try to advertise for Xtreme Team and do some people group research while in town. The 11-hour bus ride yesterday was... the only way an 11-hour bus ride can be: grueling. I got to sit beside Jorge, who claimed to be a Christian. During several good conversations i encouraged him to not have 2 girlfriends.
We are talking to Edgar about being baptized, which he's interested in having done. He was not so interested in inviting his family and friends which are Catholic. There is a lot of friction between Evangelicals and Catholics in Latin America and it'd be showing them publicly that he was no longer one of them. Pray for his courage and boldness to share the Gospel with others, including his loved ones.
TEOTE Missions (The Ends of the Earth Mission, briefly known as SMOi, Snowbird Missions Outreach International)... Pray that God would guide it.
Pray God would work through me, not inspite of me. Pray that He would glorify Himself in my life.
Love yall, siblings!
†il the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass
Posts by : Admin
The Paul-Barnabas Complex
Read some Acts. The missionaries Paul and Barnabas were a team. They had been through so much together: Winning many souls to Christ and receiving severe percecution. But in Acts 15 something happens. Paul wanted to check up on the churches they had planted. Barnabas wanted to take Mark with them. Paul had not yet forgiven Mark for deserting them in Pamphylia. "And there occured such a sharp disagreement that they separted from one another, and Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus. But Paul chose Silas and left, being committed by the brethern to the grace of the Lord." (v.39-40)
I reckon it was a sad time for both of them. Nevertheless, was tis such a bad thing? Neither Paul nor Barnabas are mentioned to be in the wrong or in sin with their opinion. Could God not have instilled their disagreement within them for a greater purpose? The effect of this disagreement was that now 2 groups of 2 missionaries were traveling instead of 1 group. The Gospel was being moved rapidly over twice as much ground.
There are different opinions on how missions should be done. Some groups are humanitarian-focused, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, housing the homeless, and parenting the orphans, etc. Some, like the International Mission Board, are focused in taking the Gospel to those who have never heard. Some are focused in discipleship. These different opinions on how missions should be done have caused groups to go in different directions. The fact is, all of these types of missions are necessary in different parts of the Globe. God has seperated us for His higher purposes, and this can be a good thing.
I reckon it was a sad time for both of them. Nevertheless, was tis such a bad thing? Neither Paul nor Barnabas are mentioned to be in the wrong or in sin with their opinion. Could God not have instilled their disagreement within them for a greater purpose? The effect of this disagreement was that now 2 groups of 2 missionaries were traveling instead of 1 group. The Gospel was being moved rapidly over twice as much ground.
There are different opinions on how missions should be done. Some groups are humanitarian-focused, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, housing the homeless, and parenting the orphans, etc. Some, like the International Mission Board, are focused in taking the Gospel to those who have never heard. Some are focused in discipleship. These different opinions on how missions should be done have caused groups to go in different directions. The fact is, all of these types of missions are necessary in different parts of the Globe. God has seperated us for His higher purposes, and this can be a good thing.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Posts by : Admin
Weekends in Pesillo
Every Saturday morning a man of God by the name of Jose meets me at my house in Carapungo around 7:30am. It's Latin America time so that means 7:30 is the earliest he'll be there. Jose is pretty good about not being late most of the time. If i haven't wrecked my car or lost it to a senor missionary (as the case this week) we'll take it to Pesillo, about 2 hours away. If not, we'll take a bus to Cayambe and from there to Pesillo which is a much slower trip. Once in Pesillo, we make our way up the hillside to the only evangelical church for several miles. Jose is the pastor. It is a mud-brick building sitting on a packed dirt floor topped with a tile roof that's seen its better days.By this time several children are waiting patiently* in the church for their lunch consisting of a bowl of rice and if their fortunate enough, a small boiled potato. I like to take this time to talk with them or play a game. Once they eat, we bid them farewell and start unpacking our travel gear. Mine consists of a hammock and sleeping bag which i strap to the the old wooden rafters of the church. This will be my bed for the night.*(By "patiently" i mean fist fighting one another.)
Lately we've been building a small (2x3 meter) bathhouse of cinder blocks (no two blocks are the same size). We'll work on it as long as the weather and daylight cooperate. At dusk we head to town (walking, if without a car) for visitation. Please pray for Luis (family?) and Cesar (husband and father of 4 girls) as we witness to them over several weeks.
Sunday mornings are busy. Two weekends ago Jose had the wonderful idea to do visitations at 7:30am. Evidently the man who we were visiting didn't think it such a wonderful idea. He cussed us out from his bedroom window and went back to sleep. When not getting cussed out, we are tidying up the church or working on the bathhouse before 10am rolls around.
The 2-3 hour service begins at 10am. The 10(+/-) member congregation walk to church, some very elderly. We start with a 15 minute prayer. Everyone is praying out loud at once. All the men are on their knees facing their chair. Their knees are protected from the dirt floor by a straw mat or piece of cardboard or a folded feed sack -whatever they could find. Sometimes i'll stand and read a chapter God lays on my heart. If someone who knows how to play the guitar shows, we'll have music. Sometimes we sing anyway. If someone is late, the preaching stops and everyone greets the late person with hugs and God-bless-yous. Even the preacher gets a hug! If this person happens to be the one who can play the guitar, the preaching will pause for even longer to allow us to sing about 10 songs. Feel free to listen in...
Lately we've been building a small (2x3 meter) bathhouse of cinder blocks (no two blocks are the same size). We'll work on it as long as the weather and daylight cooperate. At dusk we head to town (walking, if without a car) for visitation. Please pray for Luis (family?) and Cesar (husband and father of 4 girls) as we witness to them over several weeks.
Sunday mornings are busy. Two weekends ago Jose had the wonderful idea to do visitations at 7:30am. Evidently the man who we were visiting didn't think it such a wonderful idea. He cussed us out from his bedroom window and went back to sleep. When not getting cussed out, we are tidying up the church or working on the bathhouse before 10am rolls around.
The 2-3 hour service begins at 10am. The 10(+/-) member congregation walk to church, some very elderly. We start with a 15 minute prayer. Everyone is praying out loud at once. All the men are on their knees facing their chair. Their knees are protected from the dirt floor by a straw mat or piece of cardboard or a folded feed sack -whatever they could find. Sometimes i'll stand and read a chapter God lays on my heart. If someone who knows how to play the guitar shows, we'll have music. Sometimes we sing anyway. If someone is late, the preaching stops and everyone greets the late person with hugs and God-bless-yous. Even the preacher gets a hug! If this person happens to be the one who can play the guitar, the preaching will pause for even longer to allow us to sing about 10 songs. Feel free to listen in...
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