Sunday, November 9, 2008

3rd Menstruation

In case you were wondering, it's Racheal's and my third menstruation. We've been married for 3 months.
Some of you may say, "Corey, don't you mean 3-month anniversary?" No, for that would be an oxymoron since "anniversary" comes from the Latin "ano," meaning "year." You can't have a third month-year. That makes no sense.
You could however say we're having our first "quad anniversary," or quarter year. Perhaps that would sound more kosher than a "menstruation."
Nevertheless, we're excited for many more menstruations and anniversaries to come!
Love yall,


Brandon and Leah said...

so if you miss a menstruation celebration...does that mean BABY??

hehe. sorry I couldn't resist.

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