- Enjoy our February 2012 video, kicking off "Season 2" of our video update series.
- Our main concern/focus now is ironing out the kinks in our language learning. Please pray as there are quite a few!
- A few volunteer teams are coming and going.
- Daniel is a new volunteer here for six months.
- Racheal's ESL classes are going well. Next quarter she is looking to start a computer class.
- The wrestlers are taking a break from wrestling to work... but have invited corey to work with them!
- Year One of our missionary term was probably the most stressful and difficult thing Racheal and i have had to endure. Pray for 2012 and beyond.
Taking Hold: (details for the readers)
Dear fellow ambassadors for Christ,
As we survey the task before us, both the 1.3 million Susu people and the 2.84 billion unreached people on planet earth, we can't help but come to the realization that this is a task too big for a handful of missionaries. The neat thing is, i think that's the way the Lord intended it. He left us with His Spirit and some instructions to disciple the lost. In hindsight, He might as well have told the twelve disciples, "Jump to the moon," or "Swallow the ocean." In Matthew 28:18-20 He gave them an impossible task that they could never accomplish on their own strength as individuals. They needed to unite with the rest of the Body of Christ and rely on Him for guidance, strategy, provision, and wisdom. So do we. So do you.
Racheal has been really encouraged while teaching English at the local Wisdom House. She's finishing her Level 2 class today. Lord willing, this out reach will give way for opportunities to share Christ's message. We know a really good Book in English (as well as their heart language) that we'd like to recommend to them.
Please pray for our continued language learning. We are moving along at a steady pace, though not where we'd like to be. We have come so far, yet there's so much we don't understand. Please pray for our strategies as we tackle the Susu tongue and don't get discouraged or complacent.
As always, thanks for lifting us up. We wouldn't be here if not for our pray support.
'til the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass