Thursday, June 9, 2011

Back in West Africa

Hey family abroad,
As you know, Racheal, Fisher, River (in utero), and i had to bail on 40/40 in Zambia, because of a family crisis. My father-in-law has stage-4 cancer. We made it to NC safe and sound. The fun thing is our families had no idea. We just showed up and surprised them. It was perfect!
First, for those of you in the Winston-Salem area, thanks for just enough face-to-face support while keeping a respectful distance most of the time. We needed time with her family, and we were able to do just that.
Over the month of May we got fat and healthy in NC. We know this because in West Africa, being overweight is compliment-worthy. "Oh, look how fat you've gotten," is supposed to make you feel better. We ate lots of buffets and ice cream in NC, and when the time was right, we booked our tickets back to West Africa. We've had a very good transition back into our lives here.
  • Pray for our loved ones back home. This fight with cancer has been a time of pain for several people, but also a time of spiritual crossroads. May we praise the Father in all of it!
  • Pray for our adjustments back into West African life. Now we are paying for sleeping in A/C for the past month with our sweat. Fisher has a pretty bad rash/burn from a bite or allergic reaction on his torso, and we don't know what it is, but it's healing now. We have our usual "bowel complaints" again.
  • Pray for our time usage. Since we've been back we've been unpacking, fixing busted pipes, buying and installing A/Cs, fixing the generator, fixing the backup generator, restocking the kitchen... the list goes on and on. I feel like the Enemy keeps us busy with temporary things... but at the same time, they are necessary things. What to do?
'til the whole world hears,
corey reid pendergrass

PS. I wanted to tell/remind you that there are some cool Sub-Saharan African resources out there for you and your church. is an online resource full of video and articles to pray through. The IMB catalog has lots of cheap and free stuff too. I recommend the "Africa Stories Spring 2011" magazine.